We are a non-denominational

Christian church that is multigenerational and multiethnic.  We believe in traditional family values and biblical correctness rather than cultural compromise.  We think that hugs are holy, laughter is healthy, and faith grows best in the context of community.


  Worship God joyfully,

Preach His word faithfully,

Make Disciples Intentionally

& Love People Sincerely.


our passion

Graceway is passionate about

inspiring people to follow Jesus by engaging them in the life and mission of our faith community.


seven core Beliefs

 1.We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Trinitarian Doctrine) 

2. We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and expresses the spiritual and practical truths that are profitable for life and faith. 2 Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter1:20-21

 3. We believe that God loves everybody and desires a relationship with everyone.   John 3:16, Romans 5:10

4. We believe that Jesus died on a cross to pay for the sins of the human race, was raised from the dead and this was witnessed by hundreds of people. 1 Corinthians 15:3-


5. We believe that whosoever acknowledges their need of forgiveness and calls on Jesus will be forgiven and given new life. Romans 10:13


6. We believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell. Matthew 5:3, Revelation 20:14-15

7. We believe that Jesus commanded everyone who claims to be one of his followers is to be baptized as a public expression of faith. Matthew 28:20


8. We believe everyone who accepts Christ is sealed and filled by the Holy Spirit.         1 Cor 12:12, Eph.1:13-14

9. We believe that Jesus will return to earth one day and set up His Kingdom.  John 14:1-3


10. We believe spiritual growth happens in the context of community.  Hebrews 10:23-25


11. We believe that faith travels best across relational bridges.  Proverbs11:30

12. We believe that every Christian is gifted by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving his people and reaching the world.  1Corinthians 12, Romans 12


13. We believe that the church is to be lead by a plurality of spiritual leaders the Bible refers to as Elders.  1Timothy 3


14. We believe that Christians are called to live holy lives, (not perfect lives) dedicated to glorifying God. 1Peter 1:15


15. We believe that we are to be examples of Christ in regards to Mercy, Grace, Compassion and faith.


16. we believe that every Christian is called to serve and support the local Church. 1 Corinthians 9:13-14


17. We believe that everyone is called to be a witness to their world concerning Jesus. Acts 1:8



seven core vALUES

 1. We value relational warmth and think of hugs are holy!


2. We value humor and try not to take ourselves to serious.


3. We value praying with and for one another and do so often.


4. We value discipleship and encourage everyone to get into one of our small group bible studies.


5. We value service and encourage everyone to participate in serving in the church.


6. We value kids and have created a community that is kid friendly.


7. We value the unchurched and the "out of churched" people.  


Our worship

 Music is a huge deal to us and we encourage every believer to help us make a joyful noise to the Lord

Psa. 150

We believe singing is evidence of a vibrant faith and we desire to celebrate our salvation and worship God in spirit and in truth.  

We think of worship as reverent adoration and praise as joyful celebration.   And we do both when we gather.