Lead Pastor

Ted has been in pastoral ministry for three decades now and still maintains a passion for leadership, preaching. pastoral ministry and sharing Christ with others.

Ted and his wife Denise are blessed to have all three of their adult daughters and five grandchildren in attendance at the Graceway.  

Our office manager

  If you need assistance, have questions, need prayer, or want to set up an appointment with our pastor, please don't hesitate to give the church office a call.  (707) 745-5683

  • Debbie Derrick

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Graceway Kids & Nursery Team

Graceway Kids Ministry and Nursery is under the leadership of Denise Montoya. There are several others who serve in these critical areas of ministry.   

  • Denise

    Denise is a gentle spirit who is great with kids.  This dear woman of faith is fun, kind, and dedicated to the glory of God in her marriage, her ministry, and personal life.  Denise taught in several Christian Schools throughout the years and is a person you can trust with your children. 

Worship team

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Hospitality Team

Our Hospitality Team consist of our Welcome Window Assistant, Greeting Team, Facility Team, and Coffee & Refreshments Team: Our aim is to serve with a smile! 

media Team

This team works in the media room and oversee the sound, lighting, and media presentation for our church.   Kiwi Derrick oversees a team of several volunteers